Guidance for Travelers under Treatment Carrying Personal Medications Containing Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances into/out of Thailand

In Thailand, medications containing narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances are regulated differently depending on their categories. Travelers under treatment carrying such personal medications who travel into/out of Thailand must strictly follow the regulations applicable for the types of medicines they are carrying. Details are as follows,

     1. Medications containing narcotic drugs in Schedule II and III

The Ministry of Public Health issued the Ministerial Regulation B.E. 2567 (2024), which took effect on September 21, 2024, under the Narcotics Code. According to the regulation, travelers who are under medical treatment are permitted to carry medications containing narcotic drugs in Schedule II and III for personal use, provided the quantity does not exceed a 90-day supply as prescribed. They must adhere strictly to the applicable regulations.

Travelers undergoing treatment with these medications are required to obtain a permit from the Food and Drug Administration at least 15 days before traveling to or out of Thailand.

To request the permit, please apply online at at least 15 days before your arrival or departure date. After we receive your completed online application, we will process it and issue the permit within approximately 3 working days.

    2. Medications containing psychotropic substances in Schedule II, III, and IV

2.1 A quantity not exceeding a 30-day supply as prescribe

According to the Narcotics Code, travelers under treatment are allowed to bring medications containing psychotropic substances in Schedule II, III, and IV for personal use, provided the quantity does not exceed a 30-day supply as prescribed and they carry a certificate or medical prescription from the prescribing physician. This includes travelers with animals that are under treatment.

2.2 A quantity for a duration of 31 to 90 days of prescribed use
The Ministry of Public Health issued Ministerial Regulation B.E. 2567 (2024) under the Narcotics Code. According to this regulation, travelers to Thailand who are under medical treatment are permitted to carry medications containing psychotropic substances in Schedule II, III, and IV for personal use, provided the quantity does not exceed a 31 to 90-day supply as prescribed. Travelers must adhere strictly to the applicable regulations. Travelers under treatment of these medications are required to obtain a permit issued by the Food and Drug Administration before traveling to Thailand at least 15 days. This includes travelers with animals that are under treatment.

To request the permit, please apply online at at least 15 days before your arrival or departure date. After we receive your completed online application, we will process it and issue the permit within approximately 3 working days.