Food Importation
A “food importer” must obtain a license from the Food and Drug Administration in accordance with section 15 of the Food Act, B.E. 2522 (1979) which provides that “no one may import food for sale except receiving a license from the authority. Application for license and the granting of licenses shall be in accordance with the rules, procedures or conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation.”
In the proceedings concerning the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the “importer” must be a person or a juristic person with a commercial registration certificate who has a place of business in Thailand. The food that can be imported for sale must be within the scope permitted by the FDA Learn more about English version of the Guidelines on Application Submission at the manual
The “importer” must prepare documents or evidence regarding the details of quality of the product and a certificate on the standards of food manufacturing system which is equivalent or not inferior to those of GMP 386 (certain fresh vegetables or fruits) or GMP 420 (all food products) and other relevant documents, as the case may be. You may learn more details from link 
When considering qualities or standards of products under Notifications of the Ministry of Public Health, reference may be made to several relevant notifications, depending on the details and requirements of each product. You can access the information via the food law website at Food Laws and Regulation pages
. The information displayed on the website is in Thai and English languages. However, English information may not be available for certain topics. It is therefore recommended to contact your trading partner in Thailand to proceed with the application process and for your convenience in searching for information in Thai language.
If you have any questions concerning the application, you may contact the Pre-marketing Group, Food Division at tel. 0-2590-7033 or 0-2590-7320, or make an inquiry through the e-Consult Service. You may learn more about the steps at the link
1. Application for Food Import License
A food importer must possess a commercial registration certificate and prepare the import premises and storage premises for the imported food in accordance with the required criteria. You may learn more details from link
. The process for application for a food import license is as follows.
Step 1. Apply for an OPEN ID account at the Digital Government Development Agency website:, and submit a document to sign up for an account to use the Food System together with documents specified in the public manual. You may learn the details from the link
, and submit the documents and evidence at:
- Where the registered place of business is in Bangkok, please contact One Stop Service Center (OSSC) on the 4th Floor, Building 8, Food and Drug Administration.
- Where the registered place of business is in another province, please contact the Provincial Public Health Office.
Step 2. Submit the application for a food import premises license through the e-Submission System together with the evidence specified in the public manual. You may learn the details from the link
Step 3. Pay the application fee and track the application status from the System. In the case where the FDA official requires further explanation or information, please provide the explanation and information to the FDA official within the specified period.
Step 4. Pay the license fee once the license is approved and obtain the License for Importation or Ordering of Food into the Kingdom (Form Orr. 7).
2. Procedure for Importing Food According to Importation Purposes
2.1 Procedure for importing food for sale (in case of food that is required to display the food serial number)
In case of food that is required to display the food serial number, i.e., specifically controlled food, food with quality or standard requirements, food with labeling requirements, and general food that applies for a food serial number, the import procedure is as follows:
Step 1. Apply for a food import license and submit an application for a product license through the e-Submission System. (When this step is completed, please proceed to step 2.)
When the product has been licensed, you will receive the food serial number as evidence that the importer has been granted permission from the Food and Drug Administration to import the product for sale.
Step 2. Check the product certificate number which begins with U1 …. through the Import and Export Inspection Information System by submitting a request to use the system, attaching the accompanying evidence, and submitting it to the Import and Export Inspection Division, Food and Drug Administration.
Step 3. Sign up for a License per Invoice (LPI) user account via the National Sigle Window (NSW), Customs Department. The user of LPI via the National Single Window (NSW) must be a person who has already submitted a request to use the Import and Export Inspection Information System under step 2.
Learn more information about how to use the NSW system at the Customs Department website or via email
2.2 Procedure for importing food for sale (in case of food that is not required to display the food serial number)
General food, such as plants and plant products, animals and animal products, extracts/synthetic substances derived from plants that are used as raw materials, nutrients, flour and flour products, products that are used for cooking and are not ready-to-eat, seasonings and condiments, sugar and spices, may be imported without having to apply for an FDA number. However, the business operator must input the detailed information in the “Virtual Number System” to record the information on the importation of general food for sale under your license in accordance with the following steps:
Step 1. Apply for a license for importation or ordering of food into the Kingdom through the e-Submission System. (When this step is completed, please proceed to step 2.)
Step 2. Submit a request to open an account to use the Virtual Number System, attach the accompanying evidence, and submit it to the Food Division, Food and Drug Administration.
Step 3. Sign into the Virtual Number System using Open ID at the website and input the detailed information of the general food to be imported into the system.
You may learn the detailed information on how to open an account and how to use the Virtual Number System at website
or via email
Step 4. Check the product certificate number which begins with U1 …. through the Import and Export Inspection Information System by submitting a request to use the system, attaching the accompanying evidence, and submitting it to the Import and Export Inspection Division, Food and Drug Administration.
Step 5. Sign up for a License per Invoice (LPI) user account via the National Sigle Window (NSW), Customs Department. The user of LPI via the National Single Window (NSW) must be a person who has already submitted a request to use the Import and Export Inspection Information System under step 3.
Learn more information about how to use the NSW system at the Customs Department website or via email
2.3 Procedure for raw materials for food production
To provide convenience for business operators who hold a license for food production and wish to import raw materials for the purpose of food production, the business operators may import raw materials without having to apply for the registration or for a food serial number with respect to those raw materials. Instead, the business operator must input the detailed information into the “Virtual Number System” to record those raw materials under your license in accordance with the following steps:
Step 1. Submit a request to open an account to use the Virtual Number System, attach the accompanying evidence, and submit it to the Food Division, Food and Drug Administration, at Room 518, 5th Floor, Building 3.
Step 2. Sign into the Virtual Number System using Open ID on the website and input the detailed information of the raw materials into the system.
However, to input the information in the Virtual Number System, the final product that will be made using the imported raw materials as ingredients or in the production process must already be registered, and a food serial number must already be obtained for the product.
You may learn the detailed information on how to open an account and how to use the Virtual Number System at website
. For further inquiry, please contact tel. 0-2590-7176 or email
Step 3. Check the product certificate number which begins with U1 …. through the Import and Export Inspection Information System by submitting a request to use the system, attaching the accompanying evidence, and submitting it to the Import and Export Inspection Division, Food and Drug Administration, at 5th Floor, Building 6.
For further information, please contact tel. 0-2590-7358 and 0-2590-7361, or email
Step 4. Sign up for a License per Invoice (LPI) user account via the National Sigle Window (NSW), Customs Department. The user of LPI via the National Single Window (NSW) must be a person who has already submitted a request to use the Import and Export Inspection Information System under step 3.
Learn more information about how to use the NSW system at the Customs Department website or via email
2.4 Importation of food for personal use
You may check the regulation or accompanying evidence to be submitted to the Import and Export Inspection Division for applying for the permission to import food for personal use at the link
or via email
2.5 Importation of food for other purposes, i.e.:
(1) as a specimen in the registration of a food recipe or for consideration to purchase the item (Orr. 16);
(2) application for a license for importation or ordering of food into the Kingdom on a temporary basis (Orr. 12):
- for sale in a duty-free shop/for storage in a bonded warehouse/free zone/free trade zone for the purpose of exporting out of the Kingdom;
- for product exhibition of private organizations, juristic persons and organizations;
- for product exhibition or for charity sale of a diplomatic mission;
- importation for use in the production for export by a producer of finished products in a ready-to-sell condition;
- for academic research (involving human subjects);
(3) as a specimen in the consideration of features of the product other than for the purposes of recipe registration or of consideration to purchase the item;
(4) for trial production;
(5) as ingredients for cooking or preparation of food in eateries, hotels or restaurants;
(6) for use in non-commercial affairs of an international agency;
(7) for use in religious rituals;
(8) as gifts to be distributed to employees or for use in a conference organized by the importer;
(9) for donation;
(10) for stability test or laboratory test other than for the purpose of food recipe registration;
(11) for use in an industry other than the food industry (except for the drug industry):
- in case of use as a component in another industry;
- in case of use to test a machine/equipment/apparatus.
You may learn the criteria for the importation for other purposes mentioned above in the website of the Import and Export Inspection Division at the link “Importation for Other Purposes” or via email
Guideline for Standards of Import Premises and Food Storage Premises
A business operator intending to apply for a license must prepare the import premises and food storage premises in accordance with the following details:
1.Import premises
1.1 The premises must be a permanent building located in a location suitable to be used as a food import premises.
1.2 The premises must be at the same address as that specified on the commercial registration evidence and being able to be inspected regularly during the operation period.
1.3 The premises must be secure and hygienic.
2.Food storage premises
2.1 The location of the food storage building must possess the following characteristics:
(1) The building must be in a suitable place that does not cause contamination from the surroundings to the stored food.
(2) The building must be structurally secure, clean and sanitary, and have an area or rooms in the building that are specifically designated for food storage. If the building includes a residential area, the places for food storage must be clearly separated from the residential area.
(3) The food storage rooms or areas must be clean and equipped with sufficient lighting and ventilation systems.
(4) The food storage rooms or areas must not be pathways leading to other areas, such as residential areas, restrooms, toilets, or offices. In the case where it is necessary to transport food through an office, there must be a barrier or a clear separation to separate the pathway and the office.
2.2 The food storage must comply with the following:
(1) The food storage rooms or areas must be clearly separated from other areas, without any mixing with non-food items, such as drugs or cosmetics. The storage rooms or areas must also have sufficient space to store food.
(2) There are racks or pallets for storing food. The equipment used for storing food must be suitable for maintaining the quality of food.
(3) The food storage rooms or areas must be clean and equipped with sufficient lighting and ventilation systems.
(4) The food storage rooms or areas must not be pathways leading to other areas, such as residential areas, restrooms, toilets, or offices. The must be a suitable transportation route that is unobstructed and does not cause any contamination to the food.
(5) When storing food in a warehouse along with other items, the food must be wrapped in close containers, and stored separately without any mixing with other items. Additionally, there must be measures in place to control the storage.
(6) The signs “Food Storage Premises” and “Type of Food” with clearly visible letters must be affixed to appropriate positions in the premises.
You may learn more information from the link
Application for food product licenses
If you have already obtained a Food Production License (Form Orr. 2), a certificate of the number of food production premises not recognized as a factory (Form Sorbor. 1/1) or a License for Importation or Ordering of Food into the Kingdom (Form Orr. 7) and wish to sell food products that are specifically controlled food, food with quality or standard requirements, food with labeling requirements, and general food that is required to display the food serial number, you may submit an electronic application through the e-Submission System by following the procedures as follows:
Step 1. Submit a request to sign up an account to use the Food System together with the accompanying evidence to the official. You may learn more information from the link
- Where the food production/import premises is in Bangkok, please submit the request at the One Stop Service Center (OSSC) on the 4th Floor, Building 8, Food and Drug Administration.
- Where the food production/import premises is in another province, please contact the Provincial Public Health Office (PPHO) of the province where the production/import premises is located.
Step 2. Input the information in the application for a product license and submit evidence and other relevant documents via the e-Submission System. You may learn the details on the application for a product license from the link of public manuals, and may learn further details on the application via e-Submission System from the link
Step 3. Pay the application fee and track the application status from the System. In the case where the FDA official requires further explanation or information, please provide the explanation and information to the FDA official within the specified period.
Step 4. Pay the fee for a Certificate of Food Recipe Registration (Form Orr. 18) once it is approved (applicable only to the importation or food production premises is categorized as a factory for specifically controlled food).