Thai FDA Ensures the Safty of the Imported Products
27 March 2024

            The FDA endeavors to advance The Thai economy and to protect the Thai people from the adverse effects of imported products. It employs the technology namely “Check Let Pass” to facilitate convenience and speed up processes. In 2023, the volume of imported health products exceeded 9,000 million Baht, with the majority comprising cosmetics and food products.
            On 25-26 March, 2024, Dr. Narong Aphikulvanich, the Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration, accompanied by the FDA executive team, officers and a media team, conducted a site visit to the Food and Drug Checkpoint at Sadao Border, Hatyai International Airport and the Deep Sea Port in Songkhla. The purpose of this visit was to give moral support and constructive suggestions to officers at these checkpoints. The checkpoint at Sadao Border is responsible for regulating the import of health products and prevents the smuggling of products which have not been licensed or do not meet the requisite standards for importation into Thailand.  

            In the 2023 fiscal year, there were 4,866 imported declarations (52,620 items), with a total worth of 8,700 million Baht. The highest volume of imports were cosmetics products. In this regard, the Food and Drug Checkpoint at Sadao Border inspects the import of health products through the National Single Window system: NSW, which links the importation data with the Customs Department. Besides that, the analysis of the health products using basic test kits is conducted, and the samples collected will be analysed at Regional Medical Sciences Center 12 Songkhla. Should the analysis results fail to meet with the standard, the action will be strictly taken to comply with the legislation. In the case of food products which the analysis results do not meet the required standard, they will be sent to the quarantine system of the checkpoint. The next imported products will be subject to rigorous monitoring.          3.jpg
             The Food and Drug Checkpoint at Deep Sea Port, Songkhla, has processed the 382  imported declarations (873 items), representing an import value of 1,117 million Baht. The majority of these items were health products, such as seafood, powdered tea, and others. The Food and Drug Checkpoint at Hatyai Airport is responsible for checking the international passengers arriving at Hatyai Airport, including CIQ flights. Additionally this Checkpoint inspects the import of health products. In 2023, 8,158 passengers were randomly selected for inspection. A total of 10,042 imported items were permitted for personal uses. Two individuals were found to have committed crimes, and 11 items of health products were found to have violated the relevant laws.
            Thai FDA is prepared to provide convenience to entrepreneurs in order to promote the Thai economy and strives for consumer protection to ensure that consumers will be safe from consuming the products. In the event of violation of law, a legal action will be strictly taken.    

                                                                     News Publication Date: 27 March 2024